Note: It has come to our attention that fraudulent individuals are falsely posing as representatives of factoTime and offering fake job openings. Please be advised that factoTime does not offer any part-time or work-from-home task-based job opportunities. Our official communications are solely conducted through the domain. We do not engage on social media platforms like WhtimesApp, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, or public domain emails such as Gmail, Outlook, or Hotmail for official communication. Please note that we never ask for any payment in exchange for employment. Your safety is our priority, so kindly avoid sharing sensitive information through any communication channel. Stay vigilant, secure, and safe.View More

Attendance management tool to run better employee management

Automate and simplify your employee’s attendance management system with factoTime.


Discover the Best Solutions to Track the Employee’s Attendance


factoTime gives insight into employees’ time, wage, and leave.

Real-time Alerts

Get time-to-time punch-in and-out reminders through factoTime.

Simple and Straightforward

Simplify in-and-out punches and track employees’ attendance easily.

Highly Secure

With modern features like a punch with selfies and location, factoTime is a secure attendance system.

Get started with factoTime employee attendance application

Join 60000+ businesses across the globe,
that use factoTime to automate employee attendance and salary calculation more effectively.

Get started with factoTime employee attendance application

Join 60000+ businesses across the globe that use factoTime to automate employee attendance and salary calculation more effectively.

Note: It has come to our attention that fraudulent individuals are falsely posing as representatives of factoTime and offering fake job openings. Please be advised that factoTime does not offer any part-time or work-from-home task-based job opportunities. Our official communications are solely conducted through the domain. We do not engage on social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, or public domain emails such as Gmail, Outlook, or Hotmail for official communication. Please note that we never ask for any payment in exchange for employment. Your safety is our priority, so kindly avoid sharing sensitive information through any communication channel. Stay vigilant, secure, and safe.