factoTime makes it easy and convenient for employees to clock in and out from their mobile phones.
Start Free TrialClock in and out directly with a mobile phone. No external clocking device is required.
It takes just a few minutes to set up an account. It is easier to get started with factoTime.
Data privacy is our priority forever. We ensure the safety of your information by implementing secure data protection systems.
With the selfie and geo-tagging, factoTime records accurate time and location while clocking in and out.
The factoTime app allows employees and employers to clock in and out from their mobile phones. The app will also use this data to calculate salary automatically.
factoTime facilities record the clock-in and clock-out times with employees’ selfies and geo-tagging. These advanced features make factoTime more secure and authentic than any other app.
There is no more room for miscalculation. Automate billable hour calculation with factoTime. It will count the total working hours and break hours from the attendance punch. In addition, factoTime will give you an insight into employees’ activities through remarks.
With factoTime, it becomes easy to access the employees’ data. The dashboard provides powerful insights about employees’ clock-in and clock-out times, working hours, and salary details.
Get attendance reports, salary calculations, and employee management in one place.
Start Free TrialIf your employees forget to mark clock in and clock out, the app will give reminders through notification at the time shift starts and ends.
factoTime makes sure employees don’t forget to mark the entries for better attendance management.
factoTime allows the admin to restrict employees’ devices from marking clock in and clock out to make it more secure and eliminate duplicate punches. After enabling this feature, employees can only mark the time clock in/out of their registered device.
Get attendance reports, salary calculations, and employee management in one place.
Start Free TrialNote: It has come to our attention that fraudulent individuals are falsely posing as representatives of factoTime and offering fake job openings. Please be advised that factoTime does not offer any part-time or work-from-home task-based job opportunities. Our official communications are solely conducted through the @factotime.com domain. We do not engage on social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, or public domain emails such as Gmail, Outlook, or Hotmail for official communication. Please note that we never ask for any payment in exchange for employment. Your safety is our priority, so kindly avoid sharing sensitive information through any communication channel. Stay vigilant, secure, and safe.